Best Occupational Therapy Schools in Arkansas
The list of Occupational Therapy Schools in Arkansas.[OT Schools in Arkansas]
Arkansas State has only one Occupational Therapy school [OT Schools]. So we have all the details about Occupational Therapy that are present in Arkansas state.
What schools offer Occupational Therapy in Arkansas?
Here is the list of schools that offer Occupational Therapy in Arkansas.
Arkansas State University-Jonesboro offers Occupational Therapy in Arkansas.
No | Name | Degree | Accreditation |
1. | Arkansas State University-Jonesboro | OT Doctorate | Accreditation |
2. | Arkansas Colleges of Health Education | OT Doctorate | Candidacy |
3. | University of Arkansas-Fayetteville/University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences | OT Doctorate | Pre accreditation |
4. | Harding University | OT Doctorate | Applicant |
5. | University of Central Arkansas | OT Doctorate | Accreditation |
1.The University of Central Arkansas
The University of Central Arkansas is the oldest university in the state of Arkansas, founded in the year of 1907 as the Arkansas State Normal School.
UCA Offers Over 150 undergraduate, graduate, and professional programs, and it has about 12,000 graduate and undergraduate students.
Occupational therapy in Arkansas State has its own association, i.e. Arkansas Occupational Therapy Association (AROTA).
College of Health Science and behaviour was accredited in 1974 and it offers 2 Occupational Therapy Programs.
So let’s dive into the University of Central Arkansas- Occupational Therapy Program details.
- Public or Private: Public Institute
- Course Duration- Doctor of Occupational Therapy (O.T.D) Full-time regular course duration of 3 years.
- No of seats: 48
- Website: UCA.EDU
2. University of Central Arkansas
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So this is our information about Occupational Therapy Schools in Arkansas.[OT Schools on Arkansas]. If you found any mistakes in this article, please let us know in the comment section below and share this. list of Occupational Therapy Schools in Arkansas.[OT Schools in Arkansas].
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