Occupational Therapy Schools in New Hampshire

Top 3 Occupational Therapy Schools in New Hampshire

Looking for the best Occupational Therapy Schools in New Hampshire? Then here we have the best list of Occupational Therapy Schools in New Hampshire [OT Schools in New Hampshire].

Occupational therapy students must search for the best OT schools in New Hampshire.

Looking for a list of OT Schools in New Hampshire is hard and time-consuming, especially when you are a student looking for affordable education.

We offer the best list of Occupational Therapy Schools in New Hampshire [OT Schools in New Hampshire]. Our directory provides detailed information about each school so that you can choose from many different options and find the perfect fit.

New Hampshire is bordered by Massachusetts to the south, Vermont to the west, Maine and the Gulf of Maine to the east, and the Canadian province of Quebec to the north.

Best Occupational Therapy Schools in New Hampshire

1.MCPHS University-Manchester Campus OT MastersPrivate Nonprofit
2University of New Hampshire OT MastersAccreditation
3.University of New HampshireOT DoctorateCandidacy

1. MCPHS University-Manchester Campus

MCPHS University-Manchester Campus is one of the best occupational therapy schools in New Hampshire. It offers an OT Masters’s degree in occupational therapy accredited. Program prepares students to become licensed occupational therapists and provides them with the knowledge and skills necessary to provide quality care to clients of all ages.

The curriculum is designed to meet the needs of a diverse population, and students are allowed to learn from experienced faculty members committed to excellence in teaching. Moreover, the campus provides a supportive and friendly environment that helps students succeed in their studies. With its excellent academic programs and top-notch facilities, the MCPHS University-Manchester Campus is an ideal choice for those seeking an outstanding education in occupational therapy.

  • Degree Level: OT Masters
  • Institution Type: Private Nonprofit
  • Status: Accreditation
  • 1260 Elm StreetManchester NH 03101-1305603-314-1701
  • admissions.manchester@mcphs.edu
  • Last on-site: 2017/2018
  • Next on-site: 2024/2025

Program locations: Manchester, NH and Worcester, MA*
*New Worcester, MA location pending accreditation.

2. University of New Hampshire

The University of New Hampshire is one of the best Occupational Therapy schools in New Hampshire. The University of New Hampshire offers an OT Masters degree in occupational therapy which is Accredited by the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA). The mission of the University of New Hampshire is to prepare competent, professional occupational therapists and to advance the profession through research and scholarly activities.

The faculty at the University of New Hampshire are outstanding scholars and clinicians who are dedicated to the success of their students. The University of New Hampshire has a state-of-the-art facility that provides an optimal learning environment for students. The University of New Hampshire is committed to providing its students with a comprehensive education that will enable them to become competent, professional occupational therapists.

  • Degree Level: OT Masters
  • Institution Type: Public
  • Status: Accreditation
  • College of Health and Human Services, Hewitt Hall, 4 Library WayDurham NH 03824-3563603-862-2167ot.dept@unh.edu
  • Last on-site: 2013/2014
  • Next on-site: 2021/2022
  • Visit Program’s Website

The University of New Hampshire (UNH) is a public research university located in Durham, New Hampshire.

It was founded in 1866 as a land grant college in Hanover in connection with Dartmouth College. In 1893, UNH moved to Durham.

As of 2018, its combined campuses make UNH the largest university system in the state of New Hampshire, with over 15,000 students.

3. University of New Hampshire

The University of New Hampshire is one of the best Occupational Therapy schools in New Hampshire. They offer an OT Doctorate degree in occupational therapy which is still in candidate status. The program is very small with only 8 students, but they are all dedicated to becoming the best occupational therapists they can be.

The faculty are knowledgeable and experienced and passionate about helping their students succeed. The University of New Hampshire is a great choice for anyone who wants to pursue a career in occupational therapy.

  • Degree Level: OT Doctorate
  • Institution Type: Public
  • Status: Candidacy
  • College of Health and Human Services, Hewitt Hall, 4 Library WayDurham NH 03824-3563603-862-2167
  • ot.dept@unh.edu
  • Next on-site: 2025/2026
  • Visit Program’s Website


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